Fsx Error 1722 And 1603
Feb 11, 2010 I have since installed the demo version of FSX without problem and attempted to re-install the full version of FSX with the same result. I am using Windows 7. Files in your FSX folder against those in the Licensing folder and only delete those with the same date. Before trying that though, try the 'DOS' method that I posted in the second.
Help Thanks Ray Johnson. I recently purchased and installed FSX on an AMD X2 based system (raid card and SLI graphics). I’ve had repeated deactivation problems and have explored the issue with the MS support people. After numerous attempts at clean booting the system using msconfig, I was left without resolution to the problem. They suggest returning the software for a refund.
Follow step 2 to restart the system using the clean boot method. Step 2: Restart your computer using clean boot.
I checked the properties of the folder and it is read only. I change to to be not read only but when I go back to check it is still read only.
I also just re did my windows xp so everything was cleared off my computer, then I downloaded and installed all the required windows updates, restarted my computer. When i went back on, i clicked on the simulator and it started to play., Then I downloaded the patch fine. Went to the graphic setting ajjusted accordingly, everything was goin smooth. I pick my plane and airport, and right as I take off my whole computer Restarts. I dont know how to fix this problem, my graphic card is the ati 1300 512 mb and i have windows xp. Been running FSX fine until today, i upgraded to Windows Vista a couple of days ago, and reinstalled FSX with all my addons, and it worked until today. Now upon booting I get a message saying something about it failedto activate successfully, and im getting the same errors as all the people above.ie, it suggests there was an incomplete installation and posts Error 1603 and 1722 when trying to uninstall/reinstall/repair from DVD etc I had the SP1 installed too, plus al my addons.
My XP partition used to be 78.1GB, but I resized with the GParted Live CD (I've used this for years, and have never had a problem) and formatted it as an NTFS partition. When I boot up the 7 install disc, I can get all the way up to when you select which partition to install, and after hitting next, it says 'unpacking, 0%' and then BSOD. I also tried booting into it and just leaving it and after a period of time, it will BSOD, regardless of which stage of the install process I'm in.
In summary: After initially transfering a working version of FSX from my XP machine to the new 8.1 machine with LapLink it worked flawlessly. A subsequent misdiagnosed printer issue by Dell tech support resulted in a refresh of 8.1 wiping out FSX (and many other apps). Efforts to reinstall FSX from the either the original disks or a newly purchased set of disks both resulted in the error codes at the end of the installation process. Failed resolution efforts include so far include: - All recommendations in kb/258496 (including Xcopy which appears not to work on 8.1 at all) - Clean startup procedure from kb/331796 (8.1 froze up hard in trying it) - System File Checker per kb/929833 showed 'did not find any integrity violations'. - Licensing Reset Tool program per kb/928080 resulted in: 'Cleaning up Token Store at: C; Program Data Microsoft SLDL Software Licensing Failed to delete the token store ERROR --HRESULT 800405' Bottom line seems to be that this is recurring issue with 8.1 and FSX but neither I or the Community Forum have been unable to find an effective solution. Any advice/help/recommendations would be appreciated. Will be glad to provide needed additional info as needed.
That means that no program, not even an installer with all elevated privileges granted (as can be set in the GPEdit.MSC snap-in on Windows XP Pro for example) that is running under the Administrator login in that case cannot even access the '. SLDL' directory nor any of its files--even just for reading. That is why 'Error 1722' occurs! THREE WAYS to resolve the problem: 1. The easy way is to make sure that the Administrator account has Users group privileges (if you've removed that group from it previously) in addition to Administrators, restart the system and run RESETSLDL -All.
To restart your computer by using a clean boot procedure, follow these steps when you are using Windows XP. Note: - You may experience a temporary loss of some services functionality when you follow these steps.
I added Abacus World scenery to MS 2004 for better graphics. Be sure updated disks are for MS 2002 or MS 2004.
I was able to download and run the demo as well as move the copy from the older computer to the new computer but that runs into registry issues. Microsoft Tech support has given me absolutly no help in this matter and its been 5 days and I’m still waiting for a reply from them. I apologize for forgetting specifics.
FSX is crashing alot? Follow these steps: These steps made my FSX run smooth and nice Good luck and have fun!
It simply means 'Access Denied' (to go any further with this installation because, once you get past the 1603 error, you will be given the option to activate your FSX). So Zeljko is correct above. It is a permission issue and I covered that in my solution above about going to the 'elevated' Command Prompt and run resetsldl -All. As I recall, I might have placed the resetsldl in the C: directory or the C: System directory because it will not run or work if you are in your User directory and the C: Downloads is probably in your User Directory. This part of the fix did not work properly for me after many tries.
Fsx Error 1722 Windows 10
Please note that our product refund number is (888)-673-8624. There is currently no resolution to the issue you are experiencing with the game. If there is a fix for this issue in the future, I would definitely contact you through e-mail and you could purchase the game again with the refunded amount and I am sure you will be able to enjoy the game to the fullest. I am looking forward to your response and thanks for using Microsoft Online Assisted Support. Thank you for your understanding and patience! Best regards, XXXXXX Microsoft Games Technical Support To provide additional feedback or to explore more support options, please visit the Microsoft Help and Support Website at: I would appreciate any response that you may offer. I have recently aquired a copy of Flt Sim X deluxe and after getting it to load and trying to register it online (no phone registration available?) it throws up an error saying that it may need re-loading or contact MS customer support.
All's good, had to go the MS help route.not too bad. Loaded sp1 and 2, now for Flight 1 stuff, add-on's. And 'clean up' per the 'Doctors' orders. I cant wait to see the difference with the new system! Probably Sunday.
Hi, I had this same problem some time ago and got in touch with microsoft directly, here is their response - it worked for me, good luck. Hi John, Thank you for your reply and update on the issue. I appreciate your efforts and patience in trying the troubleshooting steps to resolve it. However, now while installing the game, you receive 1722 error message followed by 1603 error message. Please be assured that I will try my best to resolve the issue and work with you until it gets resolved. John, the 1722 error message is a general installer error message that states that a system level failure has occurred. In most cases, you experience a setup failure in the Setup program that is associated with registering fonts.
I hope you can help me without suggesting to reinstall windows. I do not have any burning software installed.
I do not wish to reinstall Windows just because a game is not working and would like to try something else first. When I run the KB tool (from command prompt), I get an error saying unable to remove tokens in C: ProgramData. I tried a registry cleaner and this does not help. I also manually removed the installed FSX folders. I hope you can help me without suggesting to reinstall windows. I do not have any burning software installed.
No problems at all. Can someone tell me that Microsoft is working on this as I am sure there are a lot of people in the same boat as me. I have flown on this software since its first rendition and this is the first time I have been this dissappointed.
Place a check mark next to “ Run this program in Compatibility mode” and select operating system from the drop down list. Let the Microsoft flight simulator xinstall and then check the functionality. You may also refer the link below to know the system requirements for Microsoft flight simulator x Flight Simulator X: Minimum System Requirements. Applies to Windows 10. Hope this information is helpful. Please do let us know if you need further assistance, we’ll be glad to assist you.
Log in as a User but make sure all installation privileges are elevated and then run RESETSLDL -All. The hard way, which I have chosen, is to repoint the%ALLUSERSPROFILE% variable to a directory on a drive formatted to FAT32 (where no permissions can be set and/or forced), COPY (DO NOT 'MOVE') the contents in the ': All Users' folder to the new folder on the FAT32 drive, restart the system and then run RESETSLDL -All before re-running the FSX installation. Perhaps you may have heard the phrase 'Flight attendants, prepare for landing' on one of Flight Simulator X's missions. Well there aren't human figures available as add-ons on FSX. If you are looking for a cabin announcement add-on I think you may find it over the web, or ask some FSX experts over t he web to help you look for them.
(well, actually, it did start to hang up once, but recovered by itself by quitting the program. You know what the program was? MICROSOFT MESSENGER!!!!! So that was the last MS program ever entering my Mac) For anyone that wonders why bill is so rich, and why MS is so rich, well, here you have it. Let people buy products that are not even finished (seems popular these days as they are not the only ones to do that) and charge people for teh smallest fart they make. Heres one for you.I had FSX installed and running well until one night while flying in alaska I brought up the map to see where I was,I got a message when trying to zoom in saying “unable to find dlgalert.bmp” and the machine hung.so I turned off waited a bit and restarted,and when i tried to start FSX it just brought up the first start up screen and i got the sane message. So I tried to uninstall the software thru control panel ect and it would not let me.
The issue is after installing the first disc when switching to the second disc it is never found. I followed the tech response of uninstalling all Nero software and also restarted with minimal processes running.
This may be due to an incomplete installation of the application. Reinstalling the application may resolve the problem. Otherwise please contact support for assistance.’ So I click OK and it starts up then my multiplayer link dissapears. So I’ved only been playing free flight then I think it thinks im running the demo and comes up with, ‘Thank you for playing Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The trial tim has now expired.
So, it gets into the game. I am on the runway of halifax international airport on my way to JFK new york. I just start going, everything is fine, and responding i just get fast enough to rotate, and my front wheels are off the ground, and my computer crashes im stunned it reboots to bios (when you first start the computer) and, it starts up someone said to disable automatic shutoff when a problem happens, i do. I do it again, a blue screen flashes up just as i am about to rotate. It sais something about visual drivers, i have the latest drivers from nvdia. It makes no sence?
Windows; All Windows downloads; Download Windows 8.1; Free downloads; Internet Explorer Support Alert: Installation Error 1722 12/5/2006 If you see this error when attempting to install or reinstall Microsoft Flight Simulator X, it means Post navigation.
My only problem is that the darn thing crashes all the time. It crashes on the runway before a flight, or in the middle of a flight.
So, recently, my hard drive became defective, and my computer would not boot unless I unplugged it, so I replaced it with another old spare hard drive (that works). Because of this, I have to reinstall windows again, and I have already formatted it. During step 2 of the installation, the step after 'copying files', I get this message: 'Windows cannot install required files. The file may be corrupt or missing. Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart. Error Code x080070570'. I tried this same CD on a virtual machine, and it works fine.
Hello People of Microsoft Answers. I have recently bought Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold Edition. While installing, a popup comes up with the error 1722. So I’ve done research into this error, and Login. Login / Sign Up. New Questions; Recently Answered; Tags Ok so here’s what has happened. I bought the disc version of MFSX (Bad idea i know) and i installed it on my Windows 8 Pro OS.
I may have found the answer! I chatted with Microsoft support. Try this: When you try the knowledgebase article, you have to run the command prompt as the administrator.
If you wish you can contact your system manufacturer to delete the registry entries. Click on Start and in the search box type regedit and hit Enter 2. Type 'REGEDIT' in the Run open box. Press OK, Registry Editor page will load 4. On the top Left side of the screen look for 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', then click on the +sign beside that 5.
And did you face the error-hresult80070005 as well? I did not see this error. I got the 1722 and then the 1603 error after clicking OK for the 1722 error. It then rolled back the installation and that was it. I do not see how you could possibly get the hresult80070005 error (but you obviously did).
On the first page of the Setup wizard, click Next. Click Install.
Regards, Santosh Microsoft Product Support Services. Hi, I had this same problem some time ago and got in touch with microsoft directly, here is their response - it worked for me, good luck.
The ': All Users Application Data Microsoft SLDL' path is on a drive formatted to NTFS and NOT FAT nor FAT32. The file(s) in that path have only Users group permissions forced (by the installer), NO Administrators group permissions set and not even the Everyone built-in principal set (which is kind of dumb and you cannot control that).
Fsx Error 1722 Fix
I hope you can help me without suggesting to reinstall windows. Cara plesing receiver tanaka t22 jurassic hd. I do not have any burning software installed.
Collin ********************************. I too am having the ‘dreaded’ “1722” and “1603” error and a rolled-back installation. Grrrrrrr, becoming very frustrating in trouble shooting this error. M$ says they’ll be contacting me shortly with their ‘senior support’ we’ll see which happens first, true useful phone support or cobwebs in my case. I believe the latter will be my final solution.

I’m using windows vista still waiting Hi everyone, So I’m trying to do a reinstall of Flight Simulator X right? Well, I get For error 1722 go Microsoft.com and type error1722 into search engine and a specific fix for MS Flight Simulator will come up,follow this this fix and it should get rid of error 1722 and probably 1603 Oct 25, 2006 Mike Gilbert points out this link to support issues for Microsoft FSX.
Try again to activate on the Internet 2. Activate by telephone now 3.
Can anyone help? The AVSIM forums are a method of public discussion on issues related to flight simulation. First, see if someone else has had the same problem: you can use the Search function (click on “Search” in the box that also has “Login” in it), then click on “Use advanced search form”. Enter some keywords, then click the “And” button, and further down, “Search now!”. Try a few different keyword combinations. Then you can make your own post if you haven’t solved the issue. Go back to and click on “Please register” and provide the information requested.
Dear Helpers, I have read many posts regarding this error, however I cannot solve this problem. I do not wish to reinstall Windows just because a game is not working and would like to try something else first. When I run the KB tool (from command prompt), I get an error saying unable to remove tokens in C: ProgramData. I tried a registry cleaner and this does not help. I also manually removed the installed FSX folders. I hope you can help me without suggesting to reinstall windows. I do not have any burning software installed.
I am experiencing exactly the same problem as Chrissims – bought Flt Sim X deluxe, which loaded and ran fine but will not activate. When you try and activate it comes back with a screen saying “A technical problem occurred while accessing the online activation server. Licence Authorisation was unsuccessful.” It then offers three options: 1. Try again to activate on the Internet 2. Activate by telephone now 3. Activate later When you try and activate again you go around in a circle. When you take option 2 (no telephone numbers are supplied BTW) it exits the program with a error message in a box entitled “Product Activation Error”.