Ak 47 Serial Number Lookup
Thanks for then link. Looks like I have to register to see it, which I will do later. That's cool news!!!!!:DYou won't regret it. I have been a member for several years and think it is one of the best forums on the net dealing with Kalashnikovs. There is an incredible amount of knowledge there.
Just seeing if this board would like to POOL info and make a list of information. Just minus the last 2-3 digits of your SN should be sufficent to come up with SPEC's and notations. Example: H086012XX Mine has Dimples, Extra Y, cross-hatching, and rivets.
MP5 SD1 MP5 with integral sound suppressor, as described above with S-E-F trigger pack and receiver end cap (without butt stock). MP5 SD2 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with S-E-F trigger pack and fixed full length stock. MP5 SD3 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with S-E-F trigger pack and retractable stock. MP5 SD4 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with counted round burst trigger pack and receiver end cap (without butt stock). MP5 SD5 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with counted round burst trigger pack and fixed full length stock. MP5 SD6 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with counted round burst trigger pack and retractable stock.
May 06, 2010 I have never seen any serial number data for preban AK's. Since they were imported from at least (3) different countries, during the mid to late 80's time frame. Mostly by different companies that are now out of business, you might have a hard time obtaining them. If none of our folks can help there are a number of AK specific sites. Dating THE CHINESE sKs. A: This is by far the most commonly asked question. Unfortunately, the real answer is “Nobody but the Chinese know with 100% certainty, and they aren’t talking.” Based on countless hours of research, the viewing of hundreds of different rifles with different arsenal stamps, different serial number designations, and most importantly, different feature sets we think.
I have a Sile preban Norinco also but mine is marked 56S with the 66 in a triangle factory mark and serial number on the front trunnion. These are the usual markings that you normally run across. Your rifle is a beauty by the way! Reading this thread got me curoius so I pulled my 84s out of the box and had a look at it.
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Work with us to help defeat the new Czars, especially Sunstein, who are going to try to use restrictions pioneered here in CA against the rest of the country. Check out our site, where people have been able to bring about a revolution in CA-legal firearms that includes members of the Arsenal series and all of the Lancaster, etc., AKs: calguns.net. As a resident of 'Kommiefornia,' I want to urge you and the rest of the members of the board who don't live in this state to: 1. Hang on to those beautiful, CA-banned AKs. Norinco and Polytech are beautiful and if I ever get outta here, I'll be getting some of my own.
Norinco Ak 47 Serial Number Lookup
Arsenal offers the SLR 106 series which is 5.56 caliber. The Arsenal line is alot easier to follow they are all SLR with a 3 digit number starting with 10 and the third number relating to the caliber, followed by one or two letters to denote which style of AK it is. So an SLR 105UR would be a Krinkov clone in 5.45x39 with 16' barrel vice the orignal 8' barrel.
Work with us to help defeat the new Czars, especially Sunstein, who are going to try to use restrictions pioneered here in CA against the rest of the country. Check out our site, where people have been able to bring about a revolution in CA-legal firearms that includes members of the Arsenal series and all of the Lancaster, etc., AKs: calguns.netYou're right about keeping those early rifles in the free states. The guy in Kommiefornia had the bright idea that (models on the 1989 Roos-Roberti s--- list) could be converted to an OLL. The people who do this for a living warned him not to risk getting busted. It's just too easy, to sell it out-of-state for $1000.
Pictures are worth a thousand words, so here they are. Please comment and join in below.
Additionally, over the summer we will be investing in another round of technology upgrades to bring PAFOA's infrastructure up to date with new capabilities that will allow us to continue to grow and further minimize the chances of full downtime outages. As always, endless thanks to our members and guests for their patience and for making PAFOA awesome. Could someone guide me to information on when Chinese Norinco AK type 56S Sporters were made. (perhaps based on serial # sequencing).
Last edited by Vergeltung; at 05:21 PM. Reason: clarification. From what i know of these they came in through sile, n.y. Early 1980,s i have one identical, but it is a 56 s. Never fired also came in through sile n.y. They are some of the most sought after ak.s along with the polytech,s.
NATO length is a couple inches longer than the Warsaw pact butt stock, some people perfer the extra length as the standard Warsaw pact lenght is kinda short. The SGL21-94 is the black russian side folder series. And if they offered in differnt colors im sure all the sidefolders would start with a 9 and the second number would be coded to the color. Ie 91 would be black, 92 plum etc.
MP5/10 MP5 as described above chambered in 10mm Auto. This version of the MP5 submachine gun was designed for sale to U.S.
() Google AdSense Host API This service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles. No data is shared unless you engage with this feature.
The SKS remains popular and is also used by several African, Asian, and Middle Eastern armies, as well as guerrillas in Bosnia, Somalia and throughout Africa and Southeast Asia. One major reason that the design became so prolific is that during the Cold War the Soviet Union shared design and production details with its allies. This shared information resulted in SKS rifles being manufactured by the Soviet Union, China, Yugoslavia, Albania, North Korea, Vietnam, and East Germany, Romania and Poland and with several variations. SKS Serial Numbers Serial Number Lookup and dating an SKS Rifle The first thing that needs to be done is to examine the Rifle for and Asian or Cyrillic markings, in an effort to identify the county of origin. Please know that some rifles do not have any markings, but many Russian, Chinese and Korean models do. For Albanian SKS Rifles The Albanian SKS has a dash at the end of the serial number followed by two numbers.
I know it will have been imported into New Zealand in the 1980`s early 1990`s then we had a mass killing and they were banned unless you got a stringent license to keep them which I did in around 2004 and found this one still in the box with 2 30rd mags and unfired for around $400us, Its now had a couple of hundred.223rds put through it, its very well finished compared to my saiga M3 foward trigger.Now recently made a banned import as well. Anyone able to confirm its a Norinco??
Also he said he picked it up for like $450 new a couple of months ago but every arnsenal i'm looking at is no less than $729 anywhere. He's bs'ing or what? Click to expand.Glad I could help, those model numbers they have are pretty confusing. He could be trying to pass a converted sporter Saiga off as a Saiga Legion. The Saiga Legion will say 'Saiga Legion' on the left side of the receiver, but if its an actual Saiga Legion then $450 is one helluva a price and I would snatch it up quick. One thing you might look out for, when the Saiga Legion was orignally put on the market they where sold with a converted front end (barrel componets) and a sporter stock back end.
I've had this on my mind for a while now, and I finally remembered to post it. I got this idea from the romanian section. If you have a real russian made AK (milled, stamped, folder, 47, 74, krink, etc.), post the arsenal, year, and full serial number (including letters) following the format the same as on the trunnion or milled receiver. Also, post what the rifle or parts kit is (ie; AKM, AKMS, AKS74, T3.). *Please post the info only for rifles or parts kits that you actually own or once owned.* Do not post the info of someone else's rifle in order to avoid confusion. Also, do not post info if your rifle/kit has been remarked or had the numbers changed, I would like for only true russian made serial numbers to be cataloged. Pics are not required but will be a great help.
MP5 A3 MP5 as described above with S-E-F trigger pack and retractable stock. MP5 A5E MP5 as described above with new style 4 position trigger pack allowing safe, single shot, counted burst, and full auto operation. MP5 SD1 MP5 with integral sound suppressor, as described above with S-E-F trigger pack and receiver end cap (without butt stock). MP5 SD2 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with S-E-F trigger pack and fixed full length stock. MP5 SD3 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with S-E-F trigger pack and retractable stock. MP5 SD4 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with counted round burst trigger pack and receiver end cap (without butt stock). MP5 SD5 MP5, with integral sound suppressor, as described above with counted round burst trigger pack and fixed full length stock.
I got faith in Max and help us out • 15. Says: April 28th, 2018 at 9:11 pm Hello DJx and Andy, new files are now posted, please let me know how it goes, thank you very much • 17. Djx Says: April 29th, 2018 at 1:40 am Hi Max, All work now with Avi files. Says: April 28th, 2018 at 7:19 pm Hello DJX and Andy, im going thru all the episodes now one by one, ill check which ones are not working and post another release, kindly spare me a few hours do go thru them all, i would really appreciate it if you can enumerate which ones are not working for you, thank you very much • 16.
Also he said he picked it up for like $450 new a couple of months ago but every arnsenal i'm looking at is no less than $729 anywhere. He's bs'ing or what?
Of course yours is SPECIAL so we may have to EXCLUDE yours. Mine is H081073XX, looks like it has an arsenal mark in front of the serial number, triangle with an arrow in it, X, Y, non-dimpled, no cross-hatch marks, PG hole was already cut. I bought it new, in the box, about 2 weeks ago. Immediately did the conversion. I decided to try a K-Var bullet guide and had my local 'smith tig-weld it in while it was at the 'smith to have the barrel threaded.
I have a pre-ban Norinco AKM-47S. Any idea what I have here as regards manufacture date or the like? There's no Norinco star anywhere to be found, and these pics show every stamping on the gun.
I've had this on my mind for a while now, and I finally remembered to post it. I got this idea from the romanian section. If you have a real russian made AK (milled, stamped, folder, 47, 74, krink, etc.), post the arsenal, year, and full serial number (including letters) following the format the same as on the trunnion or milled receiver. Also, post what the rifle or parts kit is (ie; AKM, AKMS, AKS74, T3.). *Please post the info only for rifles or parts kits that you actually own or once owned.* Do not post the info of someone else's rifle in order to avoid confusion.
For example, a weapon with a serial number 75 B1329 indicates that the SKS was manufactured in 1975. Look at the four-digit number underneath the stamped star on a Russian rifle. This number indicates the year of manufacture. Following the year stands for the Russian word for year.
From what i know of these they came in through sile, n.y. Early 1980,s i have one identical, but it is a 56 s. Never fired also came in through sile n.y.
Eberwein in Gussenstadt Germany so the gun says.The gun loads/unloads from the right side thru a swig out lever the cylinder is fixed and does not open or swing out in any way, your HELP would be appreciated •. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details Necessary HubPages Device ID This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.
Also have a few other norinco,s i take out and enjoy good luckthanks for the feedback man. Guess I'll never know for sure, but, 'early 80s' is good enough! Thanks for all the replies fellas.:cool. As a resident of 'Kommiefornia,' I want to urge you and the rest of the members of the board who don't live in this state to: 1. Hang on to those beautiful, CA-banned AKs. Norinco and Polytech are beautiful and if I ever get outta here, I'll be getting some of my own.
Thanks for visiting and we hope you become a regular! • Server status We have stabilized the site by adding more servers to handle the additional load that has been stressing the servers recently and will continue to monitor the day-to-day status of things. Additionally, over the summer we will be investing in another round of technology upgrades to bring PAFOA's infrastructure up to date with new capabilities that will allow us to continue to grow and further minimize the chances of full downtime outages. As always, endless thanks to our members and guests for their patience and for making PAFOA awesome. Could someone guide me to information on when Chinese Norinco AK type 56S Sporters were made.
These four numbers indicate the date of manufacture. For example, a serial number 2958E44--1967 indicates that the SKS was manufactured in 1967.
Jack Lewis did a report on the PolyTech M14s, The Gun Digest Of Assualt Weapons/2nd edition, 1989, M14 in a magazine and the finish looked like black park also. If I had known then what I know now, I would have bought it. It wasn't until April 1994 that I purchased my first PolyTech M14s. For a long time dealers at the gun shows in the area were removing the faux flash supressor and replacing it with a GI with bayonet lug. I never heard of any dealer ever getting in trouble for doing so. Chances are that if you bought a PolyTech with a flash supressor and bayonet lug someone changed it from the original.
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Click to expand.I hate the way Arsenal/Saiga labels there SGL line! They are very confusing, but basically SGL21 is a 7.62 rifle. The -61, 62 etc are the 'differnt models' they offer in the 7.62x39 caliber, all are the same base stamped receiver AK100 series rifle with differnt 'features'. Take a look at the K-var website and you will see what im talking about. You order a SGL21-62 and you get a stamped 7.62x39 rifle with plum furniture, order a -61 and you get black, these come with the Warsaw Pact lenght but stock. Order a -71 and you get a stamped 7.62x39 rifle with black furniture in NATO length. NATO length is a couple inches longer than the Warsaw pact butt stock, some people perfer the extra length as the standard Warsaw pact lenght is kinda short.